README.authpack --------------- If you have renderman on your system, this directory contains everything that you need in order to generate a very simple, but complete light field. If you just want to jump into things: - run drawslab.perl, without any arguments. It will draw 4 4x4 slabs of the dragon. These slabs are drawn without proper sythetic aperture. This makes the rendering much faster, but also causes bad aliasing. You can turn on synthetic aperture in drawslab.perl. - run "tiftorgb.perl unit4.lid". This will convert all of the tif files to rgb files. - Now you can run "lifview unit4.lid" to view the lightfield, directly from the raw images. - You can also run "lifauth unit4.lid dragon4.lif", to compress the raw images into a single lif file. Run lifauth without any arguments to get a list of all the options. - After running lifauth, you can run lifview on the dragon4.lif file. Files: ------ README This file. E4/ These directories are initially empty. They provide a E8/ location to store the image files that are generated. N4/ When drawslab.perl calls renderman, it outputs the N8/ images as tif files in these directories. The S4/ tiftorgb.perl script (see below) will convert the S8/ images to rgb images. W4/ W8/ Makefile This is the makefile to compile the lidquery executable. church.env An environment map, used to render the dragon. dragon_res4.rib A "renderman interface bytestream" file, which describes the geometry for an *extremely* decimated dragon. drawslab.perl* The main perl script for rendering the images of a lightfield. It has many comments that explain what to modify. Basic usage: drawslab.perl Draws the entire default light field (unit4.lid) drawslab.perl 1 3 0 Draws slab 1, image (3,0) from the default light field This script uses the world.rib template to generate a world.slabn.u.v.rib file. It also creates a window.slabn.u.v.rib file, which contains the viewing parameters. It uses rmanpp to combine all the .rib files into a single bytestream, and sends it to prman to draw the image. lidquery* This program allows a script (or user) to query the contents of a lid file. Run lidquery without any arguments to get a list of all the options that it can return. lidquery.c These are the source files for the lidquery program. lidquery.h The lidquery.[ch] files can be used as an interface lidquery_main.c to a larger C program that gets information from the lid file. object.rib This is a wrapper for the renderman object to be drawn. For the unit[38].lid files, it should contain an object that fits in the unit cube (-0.5 to 0.5). rmanpp* This is a helpful utility that combines several .rib files into a single file. It handles the ##Include directive. This is the shader that we used to render the dragon. shinymetal.slo tiftorgb.perl* This is a script that converts .tif images to .rgb images. It reads the lid file, and figures out the names of all the images that need to be converted. unit4.lid These are two lid (LIght field Description) files. unit8.lid They each describe a 4-slab 360-degree surround light field. They are both very low resolution, but easily modified to do higher resolution. world.rib This is the template for the world.slabn.u.v.rib files. The drawslab.perl script uses sed to convert this template into the actual .rib files.