Using Plane + Parallax for CalibratingDense Camera Arrays
Vaibhav Vaish
Stanford University |
Bennett Wilburn
Stanford University |
Neel Joshi
Stanford University |
Marc Levoy
Stanford University |
Proc. of CVPR 2004 |
Abstract A light field consists of images of a scene taken from different viewpoints. Light fields are used in computer graphics for image-based rendering and synthetic aperture photography, and in vision for recovering shape. In this paper, we describe a simple procedure to calibrate camera arrays used to capture light fields using a plane + parallax framework. Specifically, for the case when the cameras lie on a plane, we show (i) how to estimate camera positions up to an affine ambiguity, and (ii) how to reproject light field images onto a family of planes using only knowledge of planar parallax for one point in the scene. While planar parallax does not completely describe the geometry of the light field, it is adequate for the first two applications which, it turns out, do not depend on having a metric calibration of the light field. Experiments on acquired light fields indicate that our method yields than better results than full metric calibration.
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Image from one of the cameras | Synthetic aperture image, using parallax-based calibration | ||
Paper |
Slides |
Videos (viewable by QuickTime player in MACs/Windows, and Xanim under linux)
Students behind bushes, using parallax-based calibration |