Here is the current version of the class calendar and schedule. This schedule will be updated to include any changes in dates that topics will be covered or assignments are due.
Week 1:
- Thu Sep 26: Introduction (Hanrahan)
Week 2:
- Tue Oct 1: Introduction to Visualization (Levoy)
- Design exercise #1 assigned
- Thu Oct 3: The Design of Visualizations (Levoy)
- Design exercise #1 due
- Design exercise #2 assigned
Week 3:
- Tue Oct 8: Scientific visualization techniques (Levoy)
- Design exercise #2 due
- Thu Oct 10: Information Visualization 1: Hierarchy/Distortion/Zoom (Hanrahan)
Week 4:
- Tue Oct 15: Information Visualization 2: Statistical Graphics/Graphs (Hanrahan)
- Papers Assigned
- Thu Oct 17: Information Visualization 3: Interaction/Animation/Systems (Hanrahan)
Week 5:
- Tue Oct 22: Visualization of Computer Systems - 1 (Rosenblum)
- Thu Oct 24: Visualization of Computer Systems - 2 (Rosenblum)
Week 6:
- Mon-Tue: Information Visualization Workshop in S.F.
- Tue Oct 29: Perceptual Approaches to Visualizing Data, Bernice Rogowitz
- Papers Due
- Written Critiques Assigned
- Wed-Fri: Visualization Conference in S.F.
- Thu Oct 31: Software Visualization in the Large, Stephen G. Eick
Week 7:
- Tue Nov 5: Discussion
- Written Critiques Due
- Project Proposal Assigned
- Thu Nov 7: Towards a New View of Information, Jim Hollan
Week 8:
- Tue Nov 12: Network Visualization (Diane Tang, organizer)
- Project Proposal Due
- Thu Nov 14: Jock Mackinlay
Week 9:
- Tue Nov 19: Memory System Visualization (Kekoa Proadfoot, organizer)
- Thu Nov 21: Software Visualization (Yung-Hsiang Lu, organizer)
Week 10:
- Tue Nov 26: Visualization of the MBONE and Visualizing Large Cyclic Hierarchies in 3D Hyperbolic Space, Tamara Munzner
- Thu Nov 28: Thanksgiving Holiday
Week 11: Dead Week
- Tue Dec 3: no class
- Thu Dec 5: Project Presentations, 1-5:30
Week 12: Finals Week
- Mon Dec 9:
- Project Writeups Due
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